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Paleo Drills

Paleo Drills

Variety is the spice of life. And as such, I try to include at least 5 types of physical activity in my fitness regimen per week. For example, during the week of June 27, 2005, I participated in the following activities:
  1. Weight training (3 seperate days: Monday - back and tricepts; Wednesday - chest, shoulders and bicepts; Friday - legs)
  2. Running - steady pace (3 miles at between 9-10 min/mile)
  3. Interval training - climbing hills and sprinting on a treadmill (Cardio Coach Vol. 4)
  4. Walking - moderate pace (with a 9-month-old German Shephard pup)
  5. Swimming - breaststroke
  6. Yoga - power yoga class

I fnd that mixing up activities helps use more muscles, confuses my body and it makes it harder to plateau. Most importantly, it's a lot more fun!

My LL Goal Setter plan is made up of 3 agressive weeks and 2 moderate weeks. During the aggressive weeks, the goal is 438 minutes of planned vigororous activity and the moderate weeks have a scheduled 438 minutes (yes, the goal setter still split them up into aggressive and moderate)

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